During the doi moi period, Vietnamese entrepreneurs have made important contributions to the formation of new social structures and social relations, value systems and lifestyles suitable to the conditions of industrialization, modernization and integration. international. This is the affirmation of Permanent Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh at the meeting with the Vietnam Small and Medium Enterprises Association and business and business representatives of the Association on the afternoon of January 7 at the Government Headquarters.

The team of entrepreneurs is growing stronger, has the desire to get rich righteously, constantly improving business capacity and corporate governance. Corporate social responsibility, business ethics and culture are gradually raised. This is the pride of our country about the team of entrepreneurs in the period of innovation and development.
On behalf of the Government, the Prime Minister, the Standing Deputy Prime Minister recognized, appreciated and congratulated the achievements and results achieved by the Association, small and medium enterprises over the past time.

Firstly, the Vietnam Association of Small and Medium Enterprises needs to promote organizational development, ensuring that 63/63 provinces and cities have an organization of the Association, thereby, performing well the role of representing the business community. acting as a bridge between enterprises and state management agencies and socio-political organizations. Regularly exchange information, solve difficulties and problems for enterprises in investment and business activities.
Second, the Executive Board and Standing Board of the Association must truly represent the aspirations of the Association’s members, building links in the business community, domestic and foreign enterprises, and localities across the country. country. Coordinating with agencies and units at both central and local levels to launch the creative start-up movement among the people, especially among the ambitious youth.
Third, the members of the Association, especially typical members, need to take the lead in strengthening the application and application of science and technology, bringing high-tech machinery and equipment to replace manual labor in Vietnam. the mechanical steps can be replaced to minimize the negative impact on the environment; improve the quality and quantity of products to be competitive enough in the domestic and international markets.
Fourth, the Association needs to take advantage of the attention and create more favorable conditions of the Government, ministries, branches and authorities at all levels to build good mechanisms and policies that are suitable to the needs and capabilities of the people. plus enterprises in the province. To do this, the leaders of the ministries and branches need to study and direct the consulting agencies to research and propose to the Party, State and Government to issue appropriate policies to promote enterprises. Vietnam will develop rapidly in the coming time.
Fifth, the Vietnam Association of Small and Medium Enterprises needs to be more proactive and active in participating in programs and projects that are being implemented by ministries, branches and localities to better support the Association. members, thereby improving management skills and professional skills for members of the Association, especially programs to support businesses in digital transformation, applying 4.0 technology platform, researching to take advantage of of free trade agreements such as EVFTA, CPTPP, RCEP for development.
In addition, the Association should continue to promote coordination with authorities at all levels in propagating, disseminating and deploying support contents of the State according to the provisions of the Law on Supporting Small and Medium Enterprises.
Currently, the whole country has about 800,000 operating enterprises, of which 98% are small and medium sized enterprises. The average number of enterprises per 1,000 people and 1,000 employees has continuously increased in recent years. In 2019, on average, there were 7.9 operating enterprises per 1,000 people in 2019 compared to 5.4 enterprises in 2016. .
In the period 2017-2020, the proportion of the private sector in GDP always accounts for the highest proportion and continuously increases, from 41.75% (in 2017) to 42.68% (in 2020). Labor productivity, technological level, innovation capacity, creativity, ability to participate in production networks, regional and global value chains of the private sector tend to increase.
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